“when I got into this industry I had no idea that my leading passion would be to heal acne and help bring out the confidence in people that they didn’t know they had” - Jenna

Let’s N O R M A L I Z E acne

Acne comes in different forms, and can affect anyone at any age in life. There are dozens of reasons as to why you have acne; it’s my job to find the problem and heal your skin. My approach is to heal from the inside out. Acne itself is a SYMPTOM of an underlying problem/issue that creates cellular dysfunction.

I am a firm believer in balancing medical grade skin care and treatments with holistic alternatives in order to heal as a whole.

Acne treatments vary from person to person. How frequent treatments are (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly etc) are based solely on each individuals skin.

Acne consultations are available for anynoe experiencing acne on any part of their body.

I’d love to help heal your skin, and maybe a bit of your soul too ♡